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Our church, Gloryland Baptist, in Birmingham, Alabama has a ministry called Central American Missions. This ministry in Honduras is through missionaries Ronnie and Joanne Doss who work very closely with Bro. Graham Hutson from our church. Bro. Doss runs an orphanage that has about 70 children. He also has a Bible Institute that educates national pastors for the ministry. One of the ways that we are able to help is to ship 40 foot containers several times a year with clothes, shoes, and supplies for the orphan home, workers, and national pastors who depend on Bro. Doss. The purpose of this website is to provide updates on ship dates for the container and to provide you with information about the needs of this ministry if you would like to donate items or contribute to this worthy cause. We hope you will prayerfully consider helping us as we accomplish this task.

Honduras Project List

For a complete list of frequently needed items, please click on the link below:

Thursday, August 12, 2021



To All the Church’s and individuals supporting Central American Mission for work In Honduras

We want to thank all of you who have faithfully prayed for and supported The Doss’s and the ministry in Honduras.

As many of you may know, Brother Ronnie Doss went home to be with the Lord January 13 2021.

Brother Ronnie, Sister Joann, and Janie had come the States in April of last year to stay for a couple of months for Doctor’s appoints and to visit some churches. Due to the pandemic, travel restriction and, two hurricanes a couple of months turned into 10 months.

While they were waiting to be able to return, Brother Ronnie kept busy visiting many of his supporting churches, and spending time with his family. He was checking daily to see if the airport was open so he could return to his home and were his heart was.

“ Since the day he accepted Christ as his savior on January 4th, 1970 till the day he died, he has been dedicated and, in his words, addicted to serving the Lord. A man who put his trust in the blood of the Lamb, who loved the Lord and wanted nothing more than to see souls saved. “

For a number of years Brother Ronnie had been praying for a man to take over the orphanage, the church on the property, Bible Institute, and the Radio and TV Broadcast. Brother Uriel Alvarado, the Pastor of the church in San Jose had a burden for the orphanage and the ministries on the property.

Pastor Uriel has been in the Pastorate for approximately 20 years and is the first Pastor to start a food kitchen in his village so the children in his area could get one good meal a day. In February of 2020, Brother Uriel was, installed, as the Pastor on the Property. Since that time, Brother Ronnie in numerous conversation has stated what a great job Brother Uriel is doing in all phases of the ministry. The Church on the property has grown and the orphanage has some new children .

We as a board have been in constant contact with Brother Uriel and with Brother Daniel Mueller and Sister Christa Miller who work in the Ministry on the Property. Sister Miller has been faithfully serving the Lord on the property for nine years.

The Ministry has 22 Church that have been established and the majority of them are pastored by men that grew up in the orphanage and went through the Bible Institute. Brother Uriel Is in close contact with them and they have a pastors fellowship every two months.

The Board of Directors will be traveling to Honduras with a month and quite often in the future.

All of the finances will continue to be handled here in the state with the same treasurer that Brother Ronnie has always had in place. Brother Ronnie had everything set up and in place so the ministry could continue on in the future as it has in the last 30 years.

What has been accomplished for the cause of Christ would not have happened if it had not been for you as faithful supporters.

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