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Our church, Gloryland Baptist, in Birmingham, Alabama has a ministry called Central American Missions. This ministry in Honduras is through missionaries Ronnie and Joanne Doss who work very closely with Bro. Graham Hutson from our church. Bro. Doss runs an orphanage that has about 70 children. He also has a Bible Institute that educates national pastors for the ministry. One of the ways that we are able to help is to ship 40 foot containers several times a year with clothes, shoes, and supplies for the orphan home, workers, and national pastors who depend on Bro. Doss. The purpose of this website is to provide updates on ship dates for the container and to provide you with information about the needs of this ministry if you would like to donate items or contribute to this worthy cause. We hope you will prayerfully consider helping us as we accomplish this task.

Honduras Project List

For a complete list of frequently needed items, please click on the link below:

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Fall Shipment Updates!

We were delayed in sending a spring container and have made the decision to only send a container this fall.  Our warehouse tent is worn out from wear and tear and we are currently unable to store items under it due to the items getting wet because of leaks in the tent.  We have decided to purchase two 40-foot containers for storage instead of purchasing a new cover for the tent because it is more cost efficient.  We currently have a full container of items.  However, there are several specific needs the ministry has.  We also need to purchase all Christmas gift items for the children, workers, and pastors families.  Please see the list below of items needed at this time:

***Hand soap

***Rotary Hammer Cordless Drill
***10-2 electrical wire
***PVC cleaner
***Plastic outlet boxes
***Electrical boxes
***Light switches
***Plastic shields and screws for concrete
***Paint rollers
***Paint brushes
***Wire nuts
***Black electrical tape

***arts/crafts supplies
***DVDS that play in Spanish
***Spanish books
***Card games

Christmas decorations
Toys for all ages
School supplies
Art/Craft supplies
Adult clothing-Size small, medium, and large
Children’s clothing
A Kindle for Ms. Doss (hers was stolen)
***Ideas for boys include transformers, hot wheels, legos, puzzles, and markers.


***Toy boxes
Shower curtains
Stock pots
***Plastic plates, cups, and bowls
***Heavy duty utensils for eating
***Cabinet for storing food
***clothes hampers for boys

Shoes size 5-9 ladies
***Children's shoes all sizes
***Boys rubber boots
Children’s clothing all sizes
clothing for teen girls and boys
***Large whiteboards
Spanish teacher’s guides
Spanish books
School supplies
***15 Volleyballs
***Volleyball net
***Cabinet with lock
***Large bandaids
***Ace wraps
***Water pick for cleaning ears
***Adult & children various medicine - for insect bites, allergies, ear aches, headache, teething, cough, colds
***Vitamins for children
***Items specifically requested for this container
Underline indicates items cannot be purchased in Honduras

Answered Prayer!

The Lord has led Bro. Rick and Mrs. Julia Schenck to work with Bro. Ronnie and Mrs. Joann at the orphanage in Honduras.  They have already worked to establish family nights with the boys and are working to establish a clinic in their home.  They are also working on needed repairs at the orphanage.  To find out more about their calling and ministry, click here.